Happy Earth Day From Heritage!

How are you celebrating this year's Earth Day? Today is a great reminder that we should be taking care of the world we live in. So, our team at Heritage Lawns & Irrigation hopes you are taking this opportunity, along with others, to help protect and take care of our environment. Read on to learn about our local company project.

A Little Background on Wes and Earth Day

Earth Friendly Lawn Care in Olathe

Back in 2006, Wes Ory went to Washington D.C. with Planet to participating in The Day on the Hill project. For this, they spent half of the day meeting with Senators and Congressmen, then the other half working in the Arlington National Memorial Cemetery.During the groups' time at Arlington, they provided different landscaping services that the cemetery needed, Wes then brought this inspiring experience back home with him to Olathe, KS.

For Earth Day- Heritage Lawns & Irrigation Gives Back

When Wes came home from Washington D.C., he noticed that the local Olathe Cemetery holds a Civil War section. With that connection to his experience at Arlington, he felt this would be the perfect place to help give back to our local community in the Kansas City metro.Back in 2007, the Heritage Lawns & Irrigation Team performed soil tests and found that the cemetery was lacking lime. So, for the past several years, Heritage has been providing lime applications to different parts of the property.

This Year's Earth Day Project

With the pending Emerald Ash Borer threat, Heritage has decided to help protect the only Ash Tree in the Olathe Cemetery with our new organic alternative lawn care treatment.If this tree wasn't being properly treated, it would have most definitely fallen victim to the EABs in the next 5 to 10 years. Which would in turn be fatal in causing our local cemetery to lose one of it's biggest and most treasured trees.We hope you all have a Happy Earth Day and would love to hear how you gave back to Mother Nature!

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