Where Most Lawn Companies Fail – Communication

At Heritage Lawns and Irrigation, we’ve learned a lot over the last 20 years. Sure, we’ve learned about lawn care, weed control, irrigation, etc. But some of the most important things we’ve learned don’t have anything to do with your lawn. They have to do with you, our customers.

At Heritage Lawns & Irrigation, We Strive to Be Kings of Lawn Care Communication

What we have found is that sometimes, even if you are happy with your lawn care in general, you may not be happy with your lawn care company. There’s a lot more to great service than showing up and applying a treatment. Probably, equally important to effectiveness is communication between your lawn care company and you. You want to know when treatments are taking place, what treatments you are receiving, what you can expect, etc. Here are some of the things we do at Heritage Lawns and Irrigation that help with communication and your overall satisfaction:

Communication Preference

First, we ask you how you’d like us to communicate with you. Every customer has a different preference and we want to get it right for you. Choose email, text, or phone call.

Personal Lawn Coach

The person who is in charge of your lawn care is the same person every visit. When the same technician handles your lawn all season, they can get to know your lawn and its specific problems and challenges. You can discuss YOUR lawn specifically and he will know exactly what area you are referring to. Having a personal Lawn Coach also gives you the opportunity to develop a relationship and improve communication. With a Personal Lawn Coach, you get better service, a better experience, and a better lawn.

Non-Scheduled Calls

Can you reach your lawn care professional when you need a question answered or are not satisfied with your service? At Heritage, you can. You’ll be able to call your personal Lawn Coach whenever you’d like to discuss your lawn, your treatment, problem areas, etc. If your lawn has a problem between visits, we’ll come out and take a look at it at no charge.

Follow-Up Email

We send you a follow-up email after a service visit to make sure you know what you’re paying for and when service took place and to give you any recommendations we have for your lawn.

Satisfaction Survey

At least twice a year we like to hear from you about your satisfaction level. This helps us improve in areas that matter to you. If we don’t ask, we won’t know. And if we don’t know what matters to you, we can’t improve your experience and satisfaction level. What is important to some customers isn’t important to others. We want to know what’s important to you.

Lawn Gateway Website

With our Lawn Gateway Website, you can access your personal account information to view invoices, make payments, request services, and communicate with your Lawn Coach. It’s just another way we make lawn care as easy and convenient as possible.At Heritage Lawns & Irrigation, we strive to be the best lawn care company in Kansas City. We have gotten great feedback over the years and that is how we have improved to offer better service.

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Besides communication, what are other pet-peeves homeowners have when it comes to lawn care companies? Find out by clicking below & downloading the 14 Reasons Homeowners Quit Their Lawn Care Companies.// <![CDATA[ hbspt.cta.load(465809, '0e1af3ab-5054-4cd0-b15f-32a1a25d2c4a'); // ]]</p></div>


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